

Libelle BusinessShadow®

With the Libelle BusinessShadow® disaster recovery and high availability solution, IT landscapes can be mirrored with a time delay, so that your company is protected not only from the consequences of hardware and application errors, but also from the consequences of elemental damage, sabotage or data loss due to human error.


Libelle DataMasking

With Libelle DataMasking you can anonymize personal and sensitive data and work with it sensibly - whether in SAP or other environments. Your non-production systems are filled with realistic-looking and GDPR-compliant data.


Libelle EDIMON

Libelle EDIMON is an add-on for monitoring and managing IDocs across complete SAP® landscapes. The IDoc workflow is an absolutely critical aspect of incoming and outgoing orders, deliveries, and invoices and is thus inextricably linked to the core business of a company.


Libelle MasterDataServiceSuite

With the Libelle MasterDataServiceSuite, you have an intuitive, central interface and access to a collection of tools that supports you in achieving a higher data quality of your master data. Usable out of the box and designed for easy and efficient usability.


Libelle LongDistance

With the Libelle LongDistance option you can carry out mirroring over long distances and ensure geo-redundancy. The technology builds on the basic functionalities of Libelle DBShadow® and Libelle FSShadow® and expands them in a targeted manner. Maximized bandwidth utilization, minimization of latency times and reduction of data volume.


Libelle SABMON

Libelle SABMON reduces the complexity of monitoring SAP systems and business processes. Automated notifications and reactions to system errors reduce manual tasks and identify hard-to-detect errors. With the clear display, you keep everything in view.

