"With LibelleDataMasking, we were able to anonymize large amounts of data within a veryshort period of time. The work in the test and development systems was verywell possible despite anonymization, since the consistency of the data could beensured."
What was the challenge in this project?
The customer works with eight different systems in which over a billion data records had to be anonymized and the number of business partners was not known. However, this number had to be calculated unambiguously. In addition, the data had to look as realistic as possible after anonymization so that valid tests could be performed. Various data protection regulations also had to be complied with, of course.
How Libelle DataMasking contributed to success
Libelle DataMasking made it possible to accurately calculate the number of business partners. Our developers provided a specially adapted template that ensured enormous speed in anonymization: one billion data records from eight systems were anonymized in less than six hours. The data anonymization ran on all systems in parallel, all data retained its consistency, and in some cases was even repaired. A complete success.