Libelle BusinessShadow® reference

HUBTEX: Securing the central SAP® Systems against system failures and logical errors

CompanyHUBTEX Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
SectorPlant and mechanical engineering
Employeesapprox. 400


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Libelle BusinessShadow®
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HUBTEX‘s score business is the manufacture of custom-built industrial trucks, sideloaders and special equipment for heavy, bulky goods. These are used forefficient material flow and goods handling in the tightest of aisles by manufacturing and trading companies. This requires production that is precisely tailored to the customer‘s needs. Access to this production data must be permanent. This means that it must be possible to react immediately to IT problems.


A major database failure in the production SAP system made it necessary to redefine the requirements for its availability. Since no cluster solution existed to protect against hardware failures, a software solution was needed that would reliably protect against the consequences of failures not only when a logical error occurred but also in the event of a hardware failure. Furthermore, the solution should be easy to handle and not bring any additional complexity into the HUBTEX system landscape.


Libelle BusinessShadow® with its components DBShadow®, FSShadow® and SwitchApplication turned out out to be the optimal solution for HUBTEX’s requirements.

Customer feedback

"Due to the hardware independence of Libelle BusinessS­hadow we were able to avoid investments in additional hardware," explains Christian Schreiner, SAP/EDP administrator at HUBTEX. "Our SAP system is now better protected against disasters."


After the implementation, a switchover test with the SAP system was carried out as part of the acceptance and training. With success: The SAP system was switched over with just a few mouse clicks and continued to run smoothly with real SAP SID within a few minutes after the switchover on the mirror system. Also, the switch back to normal operation including the rebuild of the database worked smoothly as expected.

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